I-7565M-FD USB to CAN/CAN FD converter User Manual (version 1.0.0)
Page: 47
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5.5.4 CANFD_GetCANADBaudRate
This function is used to get the current CAN/CAN FD arbitration and data phase bit
rate in the assigned CAN port of the I-7565M-FD device.
int CANFD_GetCANADBaudRate(WORD i_wDevice_id, BYTE i_byCANPort,
DWORD* o_dwArbitrBR, DWORD* o_dwDataBR, WORD* o_wArbitrBRSP, WORD*
Int32 CANFD_GetCANADBaudRate(UInt16 i_wDevice_id, Byte i_byCANPort, out
UInt32 o_dwArbitrBR, out UInt32 o_dwDataBR, out UInt16 o_wArbitrBRSP, out UInt16
The assigned device ID of the I-7565M-FD device.
The assigned CAN port
of the I-7565M-FD device.
The CAN bit rate and CAN FD arbitration phase bit rate in the assigned
CAN port of the I-7565M-FD device. Unit: bps (bit per second).
Valid Range: 10000 ~ 1000000 (10 kbps ~ 1000 kbps).
The CAN FD data phase bit rate in the assigned CAN port of the
I-7565M-FD device. Unit: bps (bit per second).
Valid Range: 100000 ~ 3000000 (100 kbps ~ 3000 kbps).
The sample point of CAN bit rate and CAN FD arbitration phase bit rate in
the assigned CAN port of the I-7565M-FD device. Unit: 0.01%, 8750 means