I-7530 RS-232/CAN Converter User’s Manual (Version 2.5, Mar/2012) ------------- 4
1.1 Features
Microprocessor inside with 20MHz
CAN interface connector: D-Sub 9-pin
Phillip 82C250 CAN transceiver
CAN and RS-232 Port
Built in CAN/RS-232 Converter firmware
Max transmission speed up to 1M bps for CAN and 115.2K bps for RS-
232 interface
Provide Software configuration for CAN and RS-232 communication
Max transmission distance over 1000m based on CAN specification
Support both CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0B
Build-in jumper to provide 120 ohm terminal resistor or not in CAN
Provide power, data flow and error LED indicator for CAN and RS-232
function in the module
Support transparent communication mode
Provide the transparent communication between the RS-232 devices
via CAN bus.
Enable different RS-232 devices into an individual group in CAN bus
network (Full-duplex communication mode of RS-232 devices is not
1.2 Specifications
RS-232 specifications:
RS-232 interface connector: D-sub 9-pin female
RS-232 Baud Rate: 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,
19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
CAN specifications:
CAN interface connector: D-sub 9-pin male
CAN Baud Rate: 10K, 20K, 50K, 100K, 125K, 250K, 500K, 800K and
1M bps
3000Vrms on the CAN side
Power requirement:
Unreg10V DC ~ +30V DC