Security Zone Function
Sensor Types
detector is tripped. This zone can be used in a high-traffic
24-Hour Inform
When this security zone is tripped, there is never an alarm.
However, an event is recorded in the history, and the
TouchScreen emits a configured sound.
Glass break
24-Hour Fire
Generates an immediate fire alarm if triggered.
Smoke alarm
Silent 24-Hour
Usually assigned to a zone containing an emergency
button. Sends a report to the central station, but provides
no keypad display or sound.
Audible 24-Hour
Usually assigned to a zone containing an emergency
button. Sends a report to the central station and provides
an alarm sound at the keypad as well as an audible external
Trouble Day/Alarm Night Provides an instant alarm if faulted when armed in Alarm
Away mode.
Understanding Alarms
When an alarm is tripped an audible alert is sounded. From that point, you have a specific amount of
time (default: 30 seconds) to enter your keypad code or an alarm will sound. If a valid keypad code is not
entered within a specific time of the audible alarm sounding, a message is sent to a central monitoring
station. See
"Disarming the System & Understanding What Happens During an Alarm" on page 34
more information.
The central monitoring station will attempt to contact the persons listed on the account. When they
reach a person listed on the account, they will ask for the Secret Word to affirm whether a genuine
emergency is occurring. If no one on the list can be contacted, or if the person contacted gives the wrong
Secret Word, the central monitoring station immediately dispatches police or other appropriate
emergency personnel.
If the alarm is not cleared within 4 minutes, the system resets so it can monitor additional alarm events.
If a sensor is faulted too many times resulting in alarms, no more alarms will be sent to central
monitoring for 48 hours or until the security system is disarmed.
TouchScreen User Guide