PDP Instruction Manual
3. Introduction
Welcome to the iCON iSOLAR revolution!
The 3” helical rotor
range provides a ‘plug and play’
kitset solution that
requires only moderate DIY skills to install and has little ongoing maintenance
The iSOLAR PDP3 can be installed down a bore, in a tank or fitted to a pontoon to
supply from an open body of water.
No more external energy costs! Just harvest the sun to move your water.
While this kit is very simple, please read this manual fully and carefully before you start.
Progressive Cavity / Helical Rotor pumps can produce extremely high pressures and
any electrical energy must always be treated with care. Stay safe and get the important
details right so you can enjoy the benefits of your purchase.
4. Key Features and Protections
Low voltage permanent magnet DC motor
High efficiency MPPT and Vector Control
Dry run protection from low level float
Easy-to-install output side control from
a float or pressure switch
Glossary of Electrical Terms
Voc (V)
Volts open circuit, nothing connected
Vmp or Vmpp (V)
Volts maximum power point, under load
Isc (A)
Amps short circuit
Imp or Impp (A)
Amps maximum power point
DC Power in Watts
Vmp x Impp
Over-load protection
Over-current protection
Over-voltage protection
Low-voltage protection
Lost Phase protection
Stall protection