Only skilled and instructed persons should carry out work with the radar product. Experience and knowledge about
safety procedures in the following areas may be relevant:
Working with mains power
Working with modern electronic and electric equipment
Working at height
Working at the roadside or highways
Please follow these safety precautions:
Make sure the electricity supply is within the range shown on the label and the manual of the product.
All connections must be made whilst the power supply is switched off.
Ensure the wiring is correct as shown in the manual before switching on the power supply.
Never use a damaged radar or cable.
Opening the outer casing is deemed dangerous and will void all warranties.
Ensure the radar is mounted correctly. The screws and bolts of both radar and bracket must be firmly
tightened. The radar needs to point to the region of interest for proper detection.
Ensure the radar is configured properly.
: For the HV version of the radar, a Residual Current Device (RCD), also known as the Residual Current
Circuit Breaker (RCCB), with a tripping current not exceeding 30 mA must be installed in the supply circuit.