IC-746 FAQ
Why does the S-meter seem low on 2m FM?
While this is apparently common on many modern multimode rigs, we do not know precisely
why. The S-meter sensitivities published in the QST product review did not show a problem
on 2m. (6m is a different story, but nobody seems to complain about 6m readings).
Likewise, the measured receiver sensitivities do not reveal any problems.
Some dealers blame all this on the wide-band receiver technology, but again, that doesn't
really answer the question.
Turning on the preamp will increase the reading.
Why is my tuning shaft/knob loose and sloppy?
If the factory did not tighten the nut that holds the main tuning unit, then, over time,
movement may cause the friction screw to crack the faceplate.
This is a hard one to get at.
Why is my audio cutting in and out?
There are several possibilities:
Check your RF-Gain/Squelch settings, the squelch could be kicking in.
Check your headphone jack, it may have an intermittent contact causing problems.
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