Power Supply Electrical Interface
When the gateway is not plugged into a PC via the USB cable, it must be
powered by an external power source. Ensure that the power supply adheres to
the following specifications:
Voltage rating ......................... 7 - 24VDC
Minimum Current rating .......... 50mA (@24VDC)
Typical current consumption of the XLTR-1000 when powered from a 24V
supply is approximately 15mA.
ICC offers an optional 120VAC/12VDC power supply (ICC part number
10755) that can be used to power the gateway from a standard wall outlet.
The power supply must be connected to the gateway’s “RS-485 B” terminal
block at terminals #5 (POWER) and #6 (GND) as highlighted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: “RS-485 B” Terminal Block Power Supply Connections
RS-485 Port Electrical Interface
In order to ensure appropriate network conditions (signal voltage levels, etc.)
when using the gateway’s RS-485 ports, some knowledge of the network
interface circuitry is required. Refer to Figure 2 for a simplified network schematic
of the gateway’s internal RS-485 interface circuitry. Both the “RS-485 A” and
“RS-485 B” ports have 4 terminals for four-wire communication. For two-wire
communication, connect a jumper wire between TB:1 (A / RXD+) and TB:3 (Y /
TXD+) and a wire between TB:2 (B / RXD-) and TB:4 (Z / TXD-).
The GND terminals (terminal #5 on “RS-485 A” and terminal #6 on “RS-485 B”)
are internally connected.