2. Setup 4/4
4 Meaning of the digits
Digit 12: (Speedlock)
0 = off
1 = on
Digit 13: (Additional Lighting in reverse gear)
0 = off
1 = Insignia ST on
2 = All other modells on
- Activating with doubleclick when Reverse driving
Digit 14: (Multi-Function-Display and Default Settings)
0 = MFD not activatable
1 = MFD activatable ³
2 = MFD reset (For Example: Consumption reset)
3 = Module reset to default
Digit 15: (Visual Parking Aid)
0 = off
1 = on
Digit 16: (Multi-Information-Display aternative Settings)
0 = normal
1 = Boost Pressure (in %) and Oilpressure(bar)
2 = Boost Pressure (in %) and Acceleratorposition(in %)
Digit 17: (Language)
0 = German
1 = English
² only with multifunctional steeringwheel
³ only with high content instrument and multifunctional steeringwheel
only with Ultrasonic Parkassist and high content instrument
GA 4.02 Rev 1.00