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Page 4: ...e stimulator acts via two different me chanisms The electrical pulse acts on the nerve fibres and can prevent pain signals from being sent on to the brain The body s pain suppression system is stimulated to produce its own pain soothing substances endor phins and release them into the bloodstream This results in pain being relieved effectively naturally and without recourse to medicines A successf...
Page 5: ...ot perform any therapy without first having obtai ned a doctor s diagnosis Since the sensitivity to the current is different for every patient no precise details can be given here The settings for the therapy must be made under the doctor s supervision Contra indications see Correct use on Page 6 Scope of delivery Electrical nerve stimulator Block battery 9 V Operating instructions Case ...
Page 6: ...ns It must not be misused or used for purposes other than those for which it is intended The system is for external use only appli cation via the dry skin Do not use the unit when bathing or ta king a shower and protect it against moi sture Damp or wet skin conducts electricity better than dry skin thereby increasing the effect of the electrical pul ses Do not use the unit of the patient has heart...
Page 7: ...ucted via the heart e g in the direct proximity of the heart or brain e g on the temples Not following these instruc tions can be harmful to the patient s he alth Use the unit for at most 3 5 times per day for a maximum of 3 5 minutes Terminate use and consult your doctor as soon as the therapy becomes unpleasant of ineffective ...
Page 8: ...m children Do not use the unit in the vicinity of microwave appliances or short wave units Electromagnetic interaction can im pair the function of these units and of the electrical acupuncture unit Do not use the unit in the vicinity of high frequency surgical devices Electro ma gnetic interaction can produce high tem peratures that can cause burns Do not use the unit in aircraft The electri cal p...
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Page 10: ...use Also note that alkali batteries have a higher ca pacity and service life than rechargeable bat teries Damaged batteries and rechargeable batteries may not be used Open the battery compartment by pressing on the napped surface and pulling off the cover at the same time Insert the battery so that the polari ty corresponds to the drawing in the bottom of the bat tery compartment Close the battery...
Page 11: ...the parts of the skin discus sed with your doctor see Doc tor s setting recommendations on Page 17 If the battery is discharged the stimulation is stopped and the indicator lamp goes out After the end of treatment switch off the unit by turning the intensity regulator to the circle and point You must be able to clearly feel the regulator enga ging and the indicator on the unit goes out Replace the...
Page 12: ...lling off the cover at the same time To remove the battery press it down slightly at the front and pull it out of the hou sing with the aid of the tape Insert the new battery so that the polarity cor responds to the drawing in the bottom of the battery compart ment Close the battery compartment ...
Page 13: ...n leak and damage the unit Protect the unit from moisture otherwise the electro nics can be damaged Do not immerse the unit in water or other liquids Clean it only with a slightly damp cloth When using a rechargeable battery this should always be stored fully charged in order to obtain its longest possible service life The battery should not be completely exhausted because this can dama ge it For ...
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Page 15: ...Output curve shape Load impedance Load impedance 450 400 300 200 100 0 V t2 0 1 s Prf 10 Hz t1 0 001 s t k V 25 20 15 10 5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 k mA 25 20 15 10 5 0 4 1 4 125 4 15 4 175 4 2 4 225 4 25 4 275 ...
Page 16: ...16 Effective voltage Effective voltage V V 9 8 7 6 5 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 V mA 9 8 7 6 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 4 5 4 0 4 5 5 0 5 5 ...
Page 17: ...nutes Treatment of the selected areas should be conducted by performing gentle circular movements stroking across the skin Regulating the intensity Intensity sensitivity can depend on your day to day condition Adjust the intensity as required The stimulation intensity can be set with the intensity re gulator The rotary regulator is labelled with the num bers 1 5 the higher the set number the great...
Page 18: ...18 Ask your doctor to note his recommendations here Therapie 1 Recommended treatment points Recommended intensity Recommended duration Recommended frequency ...
Page 19: ...19 Therapie 2 Recommended treatment points Recommended intensity Recommended duration Recommended frequency The following is an overview of the possible uses for electro acupuncture ...
Page 20: ...e tension pressure etc Try to reduce the discomfort by exciting the points shown in the drawings either di rectly or by stroking over them in circular movements Figure 1 Figure 2 Particularly effective against deep headaches Figure 3 Particularly effective against headaches caused by engorgement Figure 4 Outside effective against general headaches ...
Page 21: ...requent causes are sudden vigorous movements a poor body posture over extended muscles lifting incorrectly menstrual problems etc Try to reduce the discomfort by exciting the points shown in the drawings either direct ly or by stroking over them in circular movements Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 ...
Page 22: ...ys in the moun tains a sudden over sensitivi ty to quiet noises heavy meals excessively intensive physical exercise etc Try to reduce the discomfort by exciting the points shown in the drawings either directly or by stroking over them in circular movements Figure 10 Particularly effective against nervous or stress related sleeping disorders Figure 8 Figure 9 Inside ...
Page 23: ...sical work over stretched muscles a poor body postu re e g when working at a desk or computer general over exertion a trauma or a direct impact on the shoul der bursitis arthritis rheu matism etc Figure 11 Figure 12 Particularly effective against shoulder problems Figure 13 Outside Figure 14 ...
Page 24: ...jects over exertion during sports tennis el bow generally over extended or over exerted muscles a direct impact on the elbow in the event of a fall bursitis arthritis rheu matism etc Figure 16 Figure Figure 16 and 17 Particularly ef fective against shoulder problems Figure 15 Figure 17 Inside ...
Page 25: ...ertion e g during jogging over ex tended or over exerted muscles or ligaments general over exer tion a trauma or a direct impact on the knee e g in the event of a fall bursitis arthritis rheuma tism etc Figure 19 Figure 18 Particularly ef fective against knee pro blems including the shaded areas ...
Page 26: ...r extended or over exerted muscles general over exertion or incorrect e g jerky head movements arthritis rheumatism etc Try to reduce the discomfort by exciting the points shown in the drawings either directly or by stroking over them in circular movements Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 Outside use on both hands in turn Figure 23 ...
Page 27: ...achieve rapid pain relief with electro acu puncture Even if you succeed in relie ving the pain it is essential to consult your physician about such pains Figures 26 Outside Figures 26 and 27 Particularly effectivepoints Figure 24 Can contribute towards psychological stabili sation Figure 25 Inside for sickness and nausea Figure 27 ...
Page 28: ...sness can often be successfully trea ted by electro acu puncture Significant calming often results after only a single treatment Permanent harmonisation is often only achievable with just a few treatments Figure 28 Figure 29 Inside Figure 30 Figure 31 Inside ...
Page 29: can cause gastritis Chronic gastritis can mani fest itself in the form of loss of appetite general fatigue and a feeling of emptiness in the stomach Electro acu puncture can relieve the pain but not its cause Gastritis must be treated medically Figure 34 Figure 32 Figure 33 Figure 35 ...
Page 30: ...onths via droplet infection coughing sneezing If there is no chill and high fever in the event of a respiratory infec tion a mild cold is normally involved Always consult a doctor if fever persists Figures 38 Outside Figures 38 and 39 Effective points for fever Figure 36 Figure 37 Inside Figure 39 ...
Page 31: ...ncture can be very effective against asth ma Even in the case of chronic asthma reduction of the spasticity is frequent ly possible with electro acu puncture Figure 41 Helps the expulsion of tough and stubborn phlegm Figure 40 InsideInside Figure 42 Figure 43 ...
Page 32: ...erous skin conditions such as acne herpes psoriasis and ecze ma The treatment is not performed directly on the affected areas but instead via the meridians of the lungs and of the colon A change in eating habits is also often necessary Figure 44 Inside Figure 45 Figure 46 Outside Figure 47 ...
Page 33: ...t so insidious and dangerous Alcohol and smoking or the wrong type of food stress and an unhealthy lifestyle are parti cular risk factors Blood pressure fluctuations require medical treatment Ask your doctor whether you should supplement his treat ment with electro acu puncture Figure 48 Outside Figure 49 Figure 50 ...
Page 34: ...massage hot and cold baths and hot and cold showers sport etc you can also try to reduce the problems by excitation of the points shown in the drawing either directly or by stroking over them in circular move ments Blood pressure fluctuations always require medical treat ment Ask your doctor whether you should supplement his treat ment with electro acu puncture Figure 51 Figure 52 Inside Figure 53...
Page 35: ...e reason suffer from a lack of energy will find the invigora ting and refreshing effect of electro acupuncture very useful Excite the points shown in the drawings either directly or by stroking over them in circular movements For this applicati on its is recommended to change between the individu al points Figure 55 Outside Figure 55 and 56 Particularly important points Figure 54 Figure 56 ...
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