ii) Use the 21. This performs the change console type function.
iii) Use the 11, until it returns A6C3500C. This indicates that settings have been saved successfully.
If not, repeat function 11 until it returns A6C3500C
d. For release 7.5 and later, complete the following steps.
i) Use the 65+11 sequences until it returns A603500B. This indicates that the console type will be
changed to LAN.
ii) Use the 21. This performs the change console type function.
iii) Use the 11, until it returns A6C3500C. This indicates that settings have been saved successfully.
If not, repeat function 11 until it returns A6C3500C
Note: 65+21+11 functions are no longer needed unless directed by IBM support. The functions to set
an adapter location are now performed automatically by the Licensed Internal Code.
7. Connect the Operations Console by completing the following steps:
a. Open IBM i Access Client Solutions (ACS).
b. Under Management, click System Configurations.
c. Select Locate Console.
d. Click Search. After a few seconds, a connection displays. Click the connection and then click
e. In the Pending Authorization window, type the User ID and Password.
f. Accept the security certificate. Ensure that you accept it, otherwise your connection will not
continue. A console window opens. If the window is blank at first but the cursor is in the upper
left corner, it means that the screen is waiting for the Drive or DVD to provide the information to be
8. To set a static IP address for the Operations Console, complete the following steps:
a. Sign on with QSECOFR. The default password is
, and it is case-sensitive.
b. At the DST Main Menu b, select Option 3- Use Dedicated Service Tools.
c. Select Option 5- Work with DST environment.
d. Select Option 2- System Devices.
e. Select Option 7- Configure service tools LAN adapter.
f. Type the IP settings that you want to use. Optional: For the host name for Service Tools, you can
type a host name if it is also registered in your network DNS. It is recommended that you type the
and enter the IP address that you want to use.
g. Press F7 to store the information.
h. Press F17 to Deactivate the session and then press it again to Activate. This causes your session
to go blank. Close the session.
9. To create a connection to the static IP, complete the following steps:
a. Either move the PC and Operations Console port both to the network or re-configure the PC IP
settings to be in the same subnet that you just configured for the service tools LAN adapter.
b. Return to the ACS interface and select the window labeled System Configurations.
c. Click New.
d. If you will use this connection to connect to other functions, type the system name that you plan to
use in the General tab.
e. Click the Console tab.
f. Under the LAN Console/Virtual Control panel, type the IP address of the service tools LAN adapter
in the Service Host Name field.
g. Click OK.
h. In the main ACS menu, click System and select the system that you created.
8 Power Systems: Installing the IBM Power S1014 (9105-41B)