IBM publishes world-record SPECjAppServer2004 result on Linux
November 6, 2008 ... IBM® has published an industry-leading score of 20,178.61 JOPS@Standard
for the SPECjAppServer2004 Standard benchmark. This world-record score was achieved on an
IBM BladeCenter© HS21 blade cluster with IBM’s latest WebSphere® middleware technology, IBM DB2®
9.5 and Red Hat Linux®.
The score of 20,178.61 JOPS, together with previously published SPECjAppServer2004 results,
demonstrates IBM’s ongoing commitment to providing scalable J2EE-compliant middleware as part of a
solution that exploits the strengths of its IBM System x and BladeCenter servers, IBM DB2, and IBM
WebSphere software.
The benchmarked configuration consisted of 16 BladeCenter HS21 blade systems used as application
server nodes. Each HS21 blade used two Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® X5470 3.33GHz processors (total of
128 cores, 32 chips, 4 cores/chip
and ran WebSphere Application Server V7 and Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 5 Server Update 2. The BladeCenter cluster used one IBM System p™5 595 as the database
server, which ran IBM DB2 9.5 and IBM AIX® 5L v5.3 TL8.
The SPECjAppServer2004 benchmark reflects the rigors of complex applications and high-volume
transaction processing that are typical in today's customer environments. The test spans all major
components of the application server, including Web serving, Enterprise Java
Beans and messaging,
and includes hardware, application server software, Java Virtual Machine software, database software
and a systems network.
IBM's submission involved more than 157,000 concurrent clients and produced more than 20,000
complex business transactions per second, which translates into more than 72.5 million
transactions over
the course of the benchmark's one-hour runtime.
This submission represents IBM's ability to provide a complete end-to-end solution that brings together
IBM BladeCenter and System p servers, middleware (WebSphere on Linux), and database (DB2 on AIX).
Moreover, this SPECjAppServer2004 result was achieved on a configuration in which the workload driver,
the Web server, the application server, and the message server ran on Linux, demonstrating IBM's
continued commitment to an open-source strategy.
For all published SPECjAppServer2004 results, visit:
Results referenced are current as of November 6, 2008.
IBM, BladeCenter, System p, DB2, AIX and WebSphere are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM
Intel and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., in the United States,
other countries, or both.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
Red Hat is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc.
SPEC and SPECjAppServer are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Standard Performance
Evaluation Corporation.
All other company/product names and service marks may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies.