Ordering the lift tool
The use of a lift tool is required when you install a DCS3700 storage subsystem or DCS3700 storage
subsystem with Performance Module Controllers in a rack cabinet, and when you remove the DCS3700
storage subsystem or DCS3700 storage subsystem with Performance Module Controllers from a rack
cabinet. Ensure that the lift tool is available on location at the time of the installation. The ordering
procedure for the lift tool varies depending on your location. Ask questions about these procedures to
your regional representative.
World trade locations
The following ordering procedures are for world trade locations:
Order the lift tool by using the parts ordering system, as you would with any other part.
Use the part number 09P2481 when you order.
Do not record parts usage.
Return the lift tool to the parts center after you complete the installation or removal of the DCS3700
storage subsystem or DCS3700 storage subsystem with Performance Module Controllers.
United States locations
In the United States, call UPS Logistics at 800-528-6070 to order the lift tool or visit the MTS/Test
Equipment Service Center Web site on the IBM intranet at http://pokgsa.ibm.com/~tstesc/public/ for
additional information.
The MTS/Test Equipment Service Center Web site can be accessed only by IBM employees with
access to the IBM intranet.
For the SSR branch and territory, the United States cannot order the lift tool through the parts ordering
system. UPS Logistics is used to ship and return the lift tool. Use the part number 09P2481 when you
order the lift tool.
You must provide the following information when you order the lift tool. This information is necessary to
ensure that the lift tool is delivered when you need it. Failure to provide this information might delay the
completion of the order request and the shipping request. It might also result in a time and date to return
the tool that is different from what you need.
Phone number and customer contact
Account code: 98577
Time and date of delivery
Accurate destination address with zip code
Time and date of return pickup
When you order the lift tool, you will receive an 18-inch load plate.
You must return the lift tool at the time that you schedule with UPS Logistics. If you need to change the
scheduled return time or date, contact UPS Logistics. You are responsible for ensuring that all of the
paperwork and components are packed and restored in the lift tool shipping container. Ensure that the
lift tool is functioning properly before you release the tool to UPS Logistics for return. You are
accountable for the lift tool until UPS Logistics picks up the lift tool for return delivery to their parts
storage facility. Contact your branch office tools coordinator or your region specialist if you have any
questions or concerns.