Turning on the power
Statement 5:
The power control button on the device and the power switch on the power supply do not turn off the
electrical current supplied to the device. The device also might have more than one power cord. To
remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all power cords are disconnected from the
power source.
You must follow the power sequence in the order shown in the following procedure. To
establish power redundancy for enclosures with two power supplies, use at least two power
distribution units (PDUs) in the rack cabinet. Split the power connections from each enclosure
into the separate PDUs. Then, connect the PDUs to external power receptacles that are on
different circuits.
The storage enclosure accepts only 200 V - 240 V input sources. In addition, you might need
to purchase a special cable for the rack PDUs for the voltage and currents that the DCS3700
or DCS3700 storage subsystem with Performance Module Controllers require. If you do not
have an IBM rack with the supported PDUs and 60 A power cords, check your PDUs or
input sources to ensure that they can handle the DCS3700 or DCS3700 storage subsystem
with Performance Module Controllers' voltage and currents.
To turn on the storage enclosure power in the proper sequence, complete the following steps:
Turn off all the power switches on the rear of the storage enclosure. Ensure all of the power cords are
If the main circuit breaker switches in the rack cabinet are turned off, turn them on.
Turn on the power switch on each storage expansion enclosure.
Turn on both power switches on the storage subsystem.
When you turn off the power to the storage subsystem and storage expansion enclosure,
complete the preceding steps in reverse order. Turn off the power to the storage subsystem
first; then, turn off the power to the storage expansion enclosures.
The following illustration shows the power supplies and the rear view of the DCS3700 storage
subsystem unit. The power supplies are in the same location for the DCS3700 storage subsystem, the
DCS3700 storage subsystem with Performance Module Controllers, and the DCS3700 storage
subsystem expansion unit.