20 IBM 4769 Installation
Traveling internationally with a coprocessor
International transport of a cryptographic coprocessor requires special consideration of
applicable export laws, regulations, and controls. For example, the export of a cryptographic
coprocessor to certain countries might be restricted. When hand carrying a coprocessor,
consider taking with you proof-of-purchase documents to protect against duty assessment.
When shipping a coprocessor, there might be a Customs declaration form that must be
completed. Any existing company policies should be considered as well.
Shipping a coprocessor
When shipping a coprocessor, it is recommended that it be packed and shipped using the
original package materials. These materials include a cardboard box, pieces of foam, bags of
isothermal gel, a bag containing a desiccant, and an electrostatic discharge barrier bag. Before
using the bags of isothermal gel, keep them at room temperature for a reasonable amount of