ibidi Gas Incubation System – Silver Line
Evaporation is Too High
Depending on the incubating conditions, small volumes might evaporate quickly, especially during
long-term experiments. If you have an actively controlled humidifying device (e.g. ibidi Gas Incu-
bation System), increase the set value for humidity. Additionally, we suggest using silicone oil (e.g.
Anti-Evaporation Oil, ibidi, 50051) to decrease evaporation.
Covering the medium with sterile silicone oil prevents all evaporation effects and is compatible with
cell culture. Please do not use mineral oil, as this can be harmful to your cultureware.
Equilibrate oil and medium inside the incubator overnight. This step helps to avoid the formation of
air bubbles, and pre-warms the solutions to 37°C. Afterwards, fill your slide with cells and medium.
Cover the medium’s surface with an appropriate amount of silicone oil. Don’t drip the oil directly
onto the surface, but let it run down the edges of the cell culture vessel. Details about avoiding
evaporation are given on the ibidi web site in
Application Note 12 ”Avoiding Evaporation”
Condensation Inside the Stage Top Incubator
Check the temperature of the Incubation Chamber. Make sure the humidity sensor is not in contact
with the Heated Lid. In case of condensation, decrease the humidity and air-dry the incubator if
Please contact ibidi at
for further troubleshooting help.
Instruction Manual
Version 1.0 (June 1, 2022)