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Operating the Transmitter and Remote Control:
The remote control and
the transmitter are
controlled in exactly the
same manner. When
you push a button on the
remote contol the small
LED next to the button
will light up and remain lit
until you push another button affecting either that zone or
that source. The LEDs that are lit will tell what action the
remote or transmitter is currently set to control.
Here are the steps to take to operate the Transmitter
and Remote Control:
Press the zone you want to control
When the LED next to the button lights, that zone
is active and will be playing the source that is currently
lit. To change to a different source simply press the
source with the “unlit” LED until the LED next to the
source you are choosing lights.
Pressing Light once makes the light go On/Off
Pressing the + arrow above the light “on” button
will increase the brightness of the light. Pressing the
“-” arrow below the light on/off button will dim the