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Blue Gain. BG.
This parameter adjust the manual color balance with the blue video level if WB=0.
White balance. WB.
This function selects the color balance. Manual, Auto or 2 fixed values.
(Also by switch.)
Auto white balance. AW.
If the white balance is set to automatic (WB=1), the white balance will be automatic adjusted
every time the command AW=0 is received.
Master set-up level. SU.
This parameter adjust the RGB video set-up level.
Red set-up level. RS.
This parameter is for fine adjust of the red set-up level.
Blue set-up level. BS.
This parameter is for fine adjust of the blue set-up level.
White clip level. WC.
This parameter sets the clipper level for RGB video output. It will prevent signal peaks from
highlighted spots to be output. The normal clip level is set to 0.8 volt on a 75
terminated video
Gamma select. GS.
This commands selects the video gamma to be 1 of 3 values.
6.6. Request functions.
The following commands are for transmission and identification.
Echo Back.
If on, the camera will echo back the RS-232C transmission.
Version Number
If received, the camera will send back its firmware version number as a 3 digits number.
6.7. Save and Load functions
The following commands are for store and load camera settings in the camera EEPROM.
Load settings.
This command will load previous stored settings to the camera. 1 user setting can be stored in
the camera EEPROM. 1 factory setting is also stored in the camera. The settings stored in the
user area, is used as default settings at power up.
Save Settings. SA
This command will store the actual camera settings to a user area in the camera EEPROM.
The command will return the last used area. (Factory or user).