While Driving
Take a break
The “Consider taking a break”
message appears on the cluster LCD
display and a warning sounds to
suggest that the driver take a break,
when the driver’s attention level is
below 1.
Driver Attention Warning system
will not suggest a break, when the
total driving time is shorter than 10
System will not suggest a break, if
"Consider taking a break" message
appears within 10 minutes.
Depending on the driver's driving style
and habits, system can be suggest to
rest even when driver is not tired.
If any other warning sound such as
seat belt warning chime is already
generated, Driver Attention Warning
system warning may not sound.
Resetting the System
The last break time is set to 00:00 and
the driver’s attention level is set to 5
(very attentive) when the driver resets
Driver Attention Warning system.
Driver Attention Warning system
resets the last break time to 00:00
and the driver’s attention level to 5 in
the following situations.
- The engine is turned OFF.
- The driver unfastens the seat belt
and then opens the driver’s door.
- The vehicle is stopped for more
than 10 minutes.
Driver Attention Warning system
operates again, when the driver
restarts driving.