To protect the tilt cylinder rods, park your truck with the
mast tilted fully backward (cylinders fully retracted).
When parked, with the power off, operate each control han-
dle to release hydraulic pressure.
Masts are to be stored fully lowered.
Coat any exposed part of all cylinder rods with SAE 30 or
SAE 40 engine oil.
Put blocks at the front and rear of a drive tire when parked -
do not use the parking brake.
How to Put Batteries in Storage
Batteries are to be placed on a wood pallet and put in stor-
age in a dry, cool area.
Lead acid batteries will slowly 'self-discharge' over a period
of time due to their chemical properties. If the self-dis-
charge is not controlled, too much sulfation can occur
which is difficult to reduce and can damage the plates. A
discharged battery with a specific gravity of 1,100 will
freeze at −7.8 °C (18 °F). A fully-charged battery with a
specific gravity of 1.280 will freeze at −66 °C (−86.8 °F).
This 'self-discharge' is due to chemical action; therefore,
that chemical action can be accelerated by heat resulting in
a more rapid 'self-discharge.' The rate of discharge can be
an average of about 0.001 point drop in specific gravity
each day.
The following procedure must be followed when placing a
battery in storage or when it is not in operation for more
than 30 days.
Give equalizing charge before placing new batteries in
storage. Used batteries must be fully charged and allowed
to balance for approximately three more hours.
Neutralize and clean the battery. Clean with a solution of
500 mL of baking soda in one 4.0 L of water.
Put the battery in a cool, dry location for storage.
Check each cell in the battery at least once every 30
days and give an additional charge when specific gravity
falls below 1.240.
Protect batteries from getting dirty.
If a greasy film forms on the top of a battery, it is acid and
must be neutralized with the baking soda solution descri-
bed above.
Property of American Airlines