Wheels and Tires
The type of tire and the tire pressure (pneumatic tires)
are shown on the Nameplate. Make sure the Nameplate
is correct for the type of tires on the lift truck. If the
truck is equipped with bias-ply tires, the ply rating lis-
ted on the Nameplate is the minimum ply rating that
must be installed. Tires with ply ratings greater than or
equal to the Nameplate listed ply rating may be accept-
able. Check with your dealer whether a specific bias-
ply tire is approved for use on Hyster trucks.
Wheels must be changed and tires repaired by trained
personnel only.
Always wear safety glasses.
Not all makes of radials tires have sufficient sidewall
strength for successful use on forklift trucks. This can
affect stability and ride quality. Check with your dealer
whether a specific radial tire is approved for use on
Hyster trucks.
The lift trucks covered in this
Operating Manual
can be
equipped with either solid rubber tires that look like pneu-
matic tires or solid rubber tires (often called cushion tires).
These variations in the tires can cause a variation in the
types of wheels and in the disassembly and assembly pro-
cedures. See
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