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6.6.2 Reading values submenu
63 Dilution
The unit performs a dilution [23] of the cylinder water (only ELDB [77])
64 Max._current_blow-down
The unit performs an overcurrent blow-down [24] because the measured current is too high
(only for ELDB [77])
65 Max._level_blow-down
The unit performs a max. level blow-down [25] because the water level is too high (only for
HKDB [78])
66 Standby_blow-down
The unit performs a Standby blow-down [26], because the maximum duration without
request [5] has been reached
67 Dead_leg_flushing
A dead-end line flushing is performed [27]
No. Parameter
[ ] explains the term in the glossary
[ ] refers to a related term explanation
1 Status_unit
Operating condition of unit
0 Initialization
Control performs initialisation [10]
1 Safety_interlock_open
Unit is ready for steam production, but the interlock (safetF) system [11] is open
2 No_Demand
Unit is ready for steam production, but there is no demand [5]
3 Humidification
Humidifying [47]
4 Runtime_limitation
Unit has switched off after limitation of operating time was reached [32]
5 Remote_off
Unit was switched off via a software command [12] for opening the interlock (safety) system
[83] via the communication interface [13]
7 Standby_heating_heating
The standby heating [16] is in the heating phase
8 Standby_heating_interval
The standby heating [16] is in the resting phase
9 No_demand_ECO
There is no demand [5] in ECO mode [17]
10 Humidification_ECO
Humidifying in ECO mode [17]
11 Timer_steam_off
Steam is not produced after the timer [18] has expired
90 Diagnosis
Unit is performing diagnostics [15]
99 Fault
An error has occurred; steam production was stopped
2 Status_cyl. 1
Status of cylinder 1
0 Initialization
Unit is in initialization phase
1 Safety_interlock_open
Cyl. 1 is ready for steam production, but the interlock (safety) system [11] is open
2 No_Demand
Cyl. 1 is ready for steam production, but there is no demand [5]
3 Humidification
Humidifying [47]
30 Filling_valve 1
Filling via solenoid valve 1 [19]
32 Filling_valve 1 a. 2
Filling via solenoid valve 1 and solenoid valve 2 [19]
60 Start_blow-down
At the start of operation, the unit performs a start blow-down [20]
61 Part._blow-down
A partial blow-down [21] is performed
62 Full_blow-down
A full blow-down [22] is performed
63 Dilution
The unit performs a dilution [23] of the cylinder water (only ELDB [77])
64 Max._current_blow-down
The unit performs an overcurrent blow-down [24] because the measured current is too high
(only for ELDB [77])
65 Max._level_blow-down
The unit performs a max. level blow-down [25] because the water level is too high (only for
HKDB [78])
66 Standby_blow-down
The unit performs a Standby blow-down [26], because the maximum duration without
demand [5] has been reached
67 Dead_leg_flushing
A dead-end line flushing is performed [27]
68 Manual_blow-down
A manual blow-down [28] was triggered
81 Part._blow-down_pending
A partial blow-down [21] is performed before the next filling process
82 Full_blow-down_pending
A full blow-down [22] is performed before the next filling process
90 Cylinder_full
The sensor electrode reports when the maximum water level in the cylinder has been
reached (only for ELDB [77])
270 Service_message
A service message is present. For a more detailed specification see "Read values 8" for cyl.
1 or "Read values 9" for cyl. 2
900 Diagnosis
The unit is in diagnostic mode [15]
999 Fault
There is an error
3 Status_cyl. 2
Status of cylinder 2 (as cylinder 1)
4 Fault_message_unit
List of possible unit error messages
0 No_fault
No fault
1 Plug_ST09
The plug for the current transformer (ELDB) [77] or the level control (HKDB) [78] is not
2 Cylinder_extension 1
There is a problem with the expansion board
6 Relay_extension 1
There is a problem with relay board 1
7 Relay_extension 2
There is a problem with relay board 2
29 Internal
system error
30 Filling_valve 1
Fault solenoid valve 1 [19]
32 Filling_valve 1 a. 2
Fault solenoid valve 1 and solenoid valve 2 [19]
61 Part._blow-down
Partial blow-down [21] not successful
62 Full_blow-down
Full blow-down [22] not successful
Factory presets (FP)
Adjustment/value range
Read values table (visible on the user and the operator level)