1.1 General safety and warning information
Heed the valid regulations for accident protection and environmental
Heed the safety regulations and provisions of the country in which the
product is used/applied.
Use HYDROTECHNIK GmbH products only if they are in technically
perfect condition.
Heed all instructions on the product.
People who install, operate, uninstall or maintain HYDROTECHNIK GmbH
products may not be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs or
medications that influence the ability to react.
Use only accessory and spare parts approved by the manufacturer in order
to exclude danger to people due to unsuitable spare parts.
Adhere to the technical data and environmental conditions specified in the
product documentation.
If in safety-relevant applications unsuitable products are installed or used,
unintended operating conditions can arise in the application; these can
cause personal injury or property damage. Therefore, only use a product in
safety-relevant applications if these are explicitly specified and permitted in
the product documentation.
You may only start the product up if it has been determined that the end
product (for example, a machine or system) in which the HYDROTECHNIK
GmbH products are installed complies with the country-specific provisions,
safety regulations, and standards of the application.