Rain Tracker RT-40A Troubleshooting Procedure
Motor Switching Applications
This procedure is for Rain Tracker installations that apply current directly to the wiper motor. For example, HSS (Hot Side
Switching) and GSS (Ground Side Switching) applications. If the installation required external resistors, see the “External
Component Applications” procedure.
Following this procedure will save you time.
1. Check Rain Tracker getting power and ground
Use a multi-meter or test lamp. Unplug the Rain Tracker interface (J1) so you can put the test probes into the connector.
12 V Present?
Go to step 2
No 12V
If possible, check the ground with a multi-meter. It should be no more than a couple ohms from
the Rain Tracker ground (black wire) to a good chassis ground. (Such as the connection outside
metal sleeve of the cigarette lighter.)
2. Check how the system behaves in each of the manual modes.
With the Rain Tracker activation switch off:
Manual off, slow, and
fast and wash work as
Go to step 3
Manual slow does not
Check the connections to the SLOW relay, both the motor and the switch side. (PPL and BLU
on the Rain Tracker.)
If the system is responding to water but manual slow is not working, then the problem is
probably the SNC connection. (PPL wire from the Rain Tracker.)
Wipers run all the time
Could be a damaged Rain Tracker interface module. See “Bypassing the Rain Tracker”, below.
Fast speed is slower than
it should be
There is some wiring error that is shorting the wiper motor slow and fast windings together. For
example, if the power diode (YEL & WHT) from Rain Tracker not wired in place. Be sure to
correct this, as it wears the wiper motor out.
Fast does not work
You should not have cut or tied into any wire to control FAST... did you?
Wash does not work
The Rain Tracker does not control wash. Did you cut a wire you should not have?
Bypassing the Rain Tracker
If you are still having trouble with the system in manual modes, try this diagnostic:
Remove the Rain Tracker interface module. Use a stiff wire to connect the BLU and PPL wires together at the Rain Tracker
interface connector. Connected this way, the wiper system should behave just as it did from the factory. If it does not, there
is come problem with the interface wiring.
3. Verify that the interface can make the wiper motor run—Pulse the Rain Tracker
activation switch.
With the ignition on, turn on the activation switch for a few seconds. Each time you do this, the wipers wipers should run
slow once.
Wipers run slow for
one wipe when you
Go to step 4.
Rain Tracker RT-40A Troubleshooting Procedure : Motor Switching Applications
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Last Revised: 08/01/08