308 Industrial Park Road, Starkville, M8 39759 USA
Ph: (662) 323-9538 FAX: (662) 323-6551
The new Hy-Gain V-2R, two meter antenna
collinear 5/8-wave omnidirectional vertical
antenna for the 144-148 MHz Amateur band. The
V-2R features two sets of 1/4-wave radials which
properly decouple the lower 5/8-wave radiator
from the mast. It also features a 500 watt
enclosed coil that matches the antenna to
nominal 50 ohms. The ruggedized V-2R is
suitable for personal use, repeater, and packet
BBS service.
The feedpoint is a standard UHF connector that is
protected from the weather within the lower
radiator. The V-2R also features a mast-to-mast
bracket that will accept up to a two inch O.D.
The V-2R can also be used outside of the two
meter Amateur band. Graphs are supplied
the antenna can be set to any frequency between
138 and 174 MHz.
Unpack the antenna and check the parts against
the Parts List and drawings.
Set both assembled clamps upside down on a flat
Select four of the radial clamps and associated
hardware and loosely assemble them as shown in
Figure 1.
Select the eight (8) 7/16" x 17 1/8" radial tubes
(Item No. 4), and insert them completely into the
assembled radial clamps.
Repeat the previous step for the remaining four
radial clamps.
Tighten the outer eight (8) screws of each
assembly just enough to hold the radial tubes in
place. These screws will be securely tightened in
a later step.
VHF Collinear Gain Vertical
For 144-148 MHz
VSWR at Resonance
Less than 1.5:1
2:1 VSWR Band Width
10 MHz minimum
Power Gain
3 dBd (5.2 dBi)
Antenna/Mast Isolation
20 dB
Power Input
500 Watts continuous
Lightning Protection
DC ground
Height (nominal)
108 inches (2743 mm)
Wind Area
0.67 sq. ft. (.062 sq. m)
Maximum Mast O.D.
2 inches (51mm)
18-8 stainless steel except for U-Bolts
Maximum Wind Survival (without ice)
105 mph (168.98 kmph)
Net Weight
6.3 lbs (2.86 kg)