308 Industrial Park Road
Starkville, MS 39759 USA
(662) 323-9538 FAX: (662) 323-6551
M o d e l A V - 1 4 A V Q
Four Bands Vertical Antenna
10, 15, 20, 40 Meter
General Description
Theory of Operation
The Hy-Gain 14AVQ/WB-S is an omnidirec-
tional, self-supporting, vertical radiator that
operates in the 10, 15, 20, and 40 meter
amateur bands. The system will work against
earth ground or a resonant radial system when
mounted above ground. You can make your
own radial system following the manual, or
use the Hy-Gain 14RMQ Radial System Kit
available at your Hy-Gain dealer.
The antenna can be used for either Phone or
CW with either a ground or roof mount. It can
also be tuned to mid-band for use with either
Phone or CW. In either case, the SWR band
widths of the antenna are broad enough that
the antenna will operate at an SWR of 2:1 or
less from 10 to 40 meters. The 14AVQ/WB-S
is supplied with stainless steel hardware and
element clamps for all electrical and most
mechanical connections.
The use of heavy duty "Hy-Q Traps" provides
automatic band selection. The Hy-Q Traps
are parallel resonant circuits which isolate
the various sections of the antenna and give
quarter wavelength resonance on all bands.
The top hat enhances the broad-band
characteristics of the antenna and permits the
antenna to be shortened by top loading it.
When installing your system, take'
extreme' care t o avoid any accidental
contact with'' power l i n e s or overhead
obstructions. F a i l u r e to exercise this
care could result in serious or fatal
i n j u r y .
United States used English units of measure-
ments. Please see page 12 of this manual for
assistance in identifying the hardware and
components supplied with this product.