I. Introduction
1. Principle of the meter
HT2672 Digit Megohmmeter consists of medium and large
scale integrated circuit with high output power and high short-circuit
current value features. The output voltage is up to four grades. The
built-in battery served as power supply become high DC voltage by
DC/DC transformation, which goes from E pole to L pole via the
object being tested. By this way, it produces a current from pole E to
pole L, which converted by I/V and computed by the divider. The
value of insulation resistance will display on the LCD finally.
2. Block Diagram of Circuit
As shown in the following diagram:
3. Applications
The meter is essential and common device in power industry,
post and telecommunications, communications, mechanical and
electrical installation and maintenance and industrial sector or
corporate sector using electric power as theirs industrial power or
energy sources. It is suitable for measuring the resistance of
different kinds of insulating materials and insulation resistance of