Page 1: ...I Opemating Manual I H usqvarnaZig zag mdl13 moeI13 Ix I VI I S ...
Page 2: ...u know how io operate this sewing machine and how to make use of all its sewing possibilities We are quite sure that you will get many pleasant hours with your new sewing nmahine and that you will be successful in obtaining many fine results HIJSQVARNA VAPENFABRIKS AKTIEBOLAG ...
Page 3: ...itching 19 leaning 29 Roller presser foot 34I onnecting the machine to the wall ou tlet 5 Seam ripper 13 Darning foot 28 Shuttle hook 11 Edge guide 16 Slow gear 6I Extra accessories 34 39 Snap on presser feet changing 17 Feed dog cleaning 29 Special presser feet changing 17 Feed dog lowering 18 Stitch length dial 19 Foot Control 5 Stitch width dIial 19 Free arm 6 Stitch setting 1 9 i Carshi ft 6 S...
Page 4: ...32 Stop for buttonhole sewing 6 Thread gtiidc 20 Feed dog 33 l rop feed button 7 Thread take up s pring 21 Needle plate throat plate 34 Thread guide for bobbin xsinding 8 Front thIiread guide 22 F inge rgri p for los e riog light 35KH Hole for attaching e xtc psi on U9 Needle bar 23 Light guard plate I0 Presser foot screw 24 Light switch 36 Blobbin winding spindle I Presser foot 25 Htand w heel 37...
Page 5: ...ace it in tcon pa rtment with the thick end down The Iottm o 4 J 6 the foot control should bie turned tow ards h I ch ine and hold thle cord in place beside tefo contr ol in the co mpa rtnent Winld tie othe I in tihe same waas and pt he cord hand aront h I owe the presser foot MIakeC sure that all 8cc esso He t are correctiv placed in thle box SI ide the aceces sort has into place and put the co r...
Page 6: ...le proper wall ou tiet I UConnecting the foot control i lusI rt the loot control plug into the socket at the back ol thle macbine i Lighting The switch for the lighi is on the underside of the machine s upper arm To lowaer the light assen1lxlI Iit order to ba e more light for detail work or for I changing the Iilight bulb pull dow nw ards on the pro cection at the Iceft of the iglight guard see pa...
Page 7: ...ll it outwards the rnachi motor powser Th is low speed is of advantagei o wish to sew slowly stitch by st itch for examrpe whe Ni blndstitch ing Free arm Iri ustr Itegs and sleees 5can be drawsn onto libte free arm makin g it easy to sew to mend or to patch in these parts The free arm also makes it much easier I to attach collars and cuffs as well ats sew small chiiId rin s clothlis or dain socks ...
Page 8: ... hand Then grasp thle extension plate support legs with your left hand and lower them I I I There is an indentation on thie back of the cx ten sion pIa te which slhould he fit ted into a correspond ing lip on the back of thle sew ing machine You call also use the extension plate with the support legs turned uip when hem mngrf skirts or sewing in larger tubular parts of garments I I ...
Page 9: ...05 H Ihe machine ix fitted with needle No 80 40 20 I 00 You will also find a number of extra needles of various sizes in thle accessory box 30 10With regard to thle site of needle it may be gener ally said that No 80 90 can be used for most fabrics For a finer thread and for sheer and tightly 30 120 woven fabrics a fitter needle should be used in or tier to spare the fabric For very heavy and stli...
Page 10: ...e bobbin will be released Bobbin windingN On one side of the bobbin there is a hole Turn the bobbin vi th the hiole outwards and slide the bobbin I onto the bobbin spindle which is located on the right side of the machine Place the thread ov er the bo bbin Start from above and wind the thread a few Iimesaround thle bobbhin Hold the end of the thread while you pres s down I the foot colntrol Releas...
Page 11: ... bobbin is inding unvel Sanfig 2 t turo the thread tension deCvice clockw ise ihthe aido thi e e ce r r n h If the w inding looks like Jig 3 check to see irthe bobbin is properly pressed in o n the spitldle II this ___ is correct tuIrn the thread tensionl device counter clockwise until thle windirin beconmes even to ...
Page 12: ...obin case Pull the thread in under the tension spring Check that the bobbin rotates in the direction of the arrow I when the thread is pulled Insertion of the bobbin case 3 Set the bobbin case on to the center post off the caefits in the notch at thle top of the shuttle cover Pes on the bobbin case slightly to he sure it is lachd onto the center post of the shuttle Let the X0 thed hang Shutt the d...
Page 13: ...bhv cn le tensdon discs and dow n around the 2 thread g uide 2 Now continue the th reading byI 4 drawing the thread from left to rieht in the slot on the threatd take up Ic er 3 T hen pull the th read th llrough the thread guidec coil 4 f Be careful to see that the thread actuAal lv ties behind the blaick thread guide onl the needle cia mp 5 lihread the needle 40rom the frl inl Th an k to the whit...
Page 14: ...a loop of thle Low er th read which is easy to catIch I Yotu shouldn t Pull thle upper thread too hard as this 2 la bend the needle x I 74 II Pul thle threads about 6 t15 em towaards thle rear wfth thread ends are too short the th read may gdeout of the cxc of needle whlen you begin g Thread cutter I On Ihe back of the presser bar you w ill find a not cl the tIh read cuttier whfich makes it easy f...
Page 15: ...aliso a special mark on thet thIiread tension is_________________ dial for the tension that can be vised for ma ki rg butinnh Ales Tihis setting is aliso m ost su itable for close put tern stitching monlogranmini g enboih r inig etc Tension of lower thread in most special sewing eases it is sufficient to changeI onlyr the upper thread tension Rarely do you need to adjust the low er thread tension ...
Page 16: ...e our The upper thread lies straight and the lower thread comes up in loops on the top of the cloth ok in thle middle of thle lay ers of cloth Before i I satng to sew check the tension by sewing on a_ pie of thle same fabric you intend to work with Before YOU begin to use the zig zag stitch cheek tat thle thread tension is the same as when you did straight stitching Use a scrap of material to see ...
Page 17: ...the outer edge of the presser I Ap lies to straight stitching with the needeich middle position By moving one step inwards x ou Will have a seam allow ance of about 5 32 4 ram The innermost notch gives a seam allowance of 2 about 5 6i4 2 mam K7 Edge guide You can easi lx seaw ith waider searni allowances with the aid of the edge guide 401I5 420 which you will find in the accessory box The edge gui...
Page 18: ...own in the illustration There is a spring on the lower end of the ankle bracket Slide on thle presser foot so that the round trans iverse pin on the presser foot fits in to the space be tw een the bracket and the spring Then press lighth backwards and dow nwards and the presser root will q snpinto the correct position I Changing the presser foot ankle Certain presser feetl cannot be constructed as...
Page 19: ...eI left hand side of the machine Set the dial at the red point for i rnw Iapressure but lor so me fbrisi nitt my be better to reduice or increase the presIr b4 somewhata ie turn the dial to small er h T k k lll 1 ines 5 WVhen set ait the ss rho l 5 the pcsI rfoot pressurIC I completelyl disengaged Thi Ic is used wahen darning w ith darnine root 0Releasingfoot pressureI If vonturmn the eraduated di...
Page 20: ...ment 3 3 Reverse Stitching N I In te centre of the stitch length dial is a button fo everse titching B pressing this button in wrsand upwards the machine wsill sewa in reverse i o xample when fastening the thread but will4 reum normal forwards sewing as soon as it is releas 0 d or more extensive reverse stitching for example whnbuttonholing you can lock the button by pesng it inwards and downwards...
Page 21: ...w er dial stitch width dial 1 should he set at i whecn st raigh tth ing g ig za SBegin h placing the need It Shighbest posit ion hx turning hehnd i wheeln t ards you The Iethn set at the middle position I cupe iight hand dial stitch length da i I osser dial stitch width dial soldb Ioat the desi red stitch width xp 2 1 2 71l on aisc 2f 2 tril Io N _ l itch len gth and w idth TIheIr d wxilci the mac...
Page 22: ...l to the buttonh ole symbol if you wi Th button hole will look better if you use a fine thread 1 I I Mark on the fabric where you want to place the buttonhole Always first test sew a buttonhole andaj sth sich etng Begin as usual by ma king sure th at the needle is at tehighest position Turn the needle position con trlto tlire Ieft Set the stitch length dial at approx imtely 0 3 and press in thle r...
Page 23: ... thle fabric and sew 3 4 stitche T n I fabric th machine with the needle free fo h I gty VSet tihe stitch wid th dial at 2 against stop and the i i needle position control to the right Sew the second colu ma until it is the same length as the first oneiŽ t g Stop the machine with the needle free from the fabric 7The next step is the second closing bar Set the stitch S Qflback the fabric Stop the m...
Page 24: ...wing all of the button hls it is time to cut them Do this by piercing Ih fabric at right angles until Lhe curved edge rahes dow n to the buttonhole Then incline the knife more or less parallel to the cloth and mlove it carefully forward so as not to cut trou gh the end of the buttonhIiole T7he small red bead serves as a guide ttelpful hint Yucan also cut thec buttonhole to the middle and thncut tl...
Page 25: ...needle free from the fabric turn theI needle position control to the right hand symbol and i 15 upv ards Sew the next column without making any closing bar Stop the machine with the needle free from the fabric when the second column is the c same length as the first one The next step is to turn the needle position control to i the left hand symbol press in the reverse stitching I Q hut ton and loc...
Page 26: ... the fabric before thle next Ni Now turn the aced Ic control dial to the right I nd symbol and the stitch width dial to 2 and sew the I ii The butitonhole is now finished off by selling the stitch width dial at 4 and sew 3 4 stitches to form g the last closing ba r w hile holdi ng back the fabric 4 i i i or oweingthe feed dog YOU then turn thestch w idth dial to 7gandfsten o 1f b sewing at eg sitc...
Page 27: ...ove to the other holes and reetthe poes Set the stitch width dial toO0 and lock the thread U When the button has been sewn on anti you wish toI return to ordinary sewing press the feed doglwr ing button inwards upwards so that it get Ia its previous normal position I Button reed When sewing buttons on garments a stem is oftenI desired so that the button stands slightly away from the fabric You can...
Page 28: on both sides of the middle tension disc For the rest you thread as usual of course one threa d in each of Ithe needles Thnadjust the machine for straight stitching The L t hegto h asdsa swdutdb en fI I i the thread tension the harder the thread tension S the higher the seam will be If you are using a gimp cord first pull it out well behind the presser foot I and then it will on l be necessary ...
Page 29: ...nap on presser feet You s hotuld use hie hemmnencr when mlakr ln hen s on fabrics wahiclh are niot lot thick Tehm mer 41 11 385 matkes a heml oif about 3 16 5 mml wide Darning foot Set the needle to the highes t position andheth dtarn ing foot 41 12 8971 can be atIached nhexm T ax a s rthe othier s nap on pre sser feet iye tl YH i _ I hect ilol of thec pres r foot is accOlIpin hdb nic ln mean of a...
Page 30: ... handle part of Ithe s crewdriver is inserted under the face plate i Wenever necessar_y the bobbin case and shuttle 4 compounds from the fabric can adhere to the centre stud of th e shut tIe and cause dissonaunce in suchas tdb apdcenwt a peeo cloth Also check that any thread remainders wunnd iaround thle stud are remloved Changing the light bulb Ion thle left side of the liight guard Lo wer the li...
Page 31: ...late may be chipped and 8 Bobbinl incorrect ly inserted in bobbin case has e sha rp edges Polish w ith an emery clothI or See page 111 change the throat plate See page 29 9 1 inut or threads w rapped arountd ceiitre post of 8 The needIegroove or needle eye max have too the shuttle page 29 s harp edges Change needle See page 8 9 Tii ead ina y be entangled on spool pitt l ii er h rcad breakv I Bobbi...
Page 32: ...t cor pg otpesr a aebe eesd See page 18 Fabricpuckers T he upper thread is tool tightl tensioned Correct upper thread tension is illustrated onr page 15 2 10 ppe r andl lower thread tension too tight in re ila tion to the thickness of the fabric See page I5 I Machine runs s luggxshlv 1 Dirt or lint have got under the throat plate St itch leng Lth U v Crie l oosen the throat plate and brush clean b...
Page 33: ... 41 I 8 S presser foot I three gzrooves I 1 41I 1341 2897 4 I298 II3341 I1 651 HLJirn tlI lb Doh 2fot Zpprfol Regulat pTesset ltlh i o t tm otI lfigfut ipIfo f o t f r st i i ato r m c f o ith or w i thu tu I ithefool o i t edi If Ttigh at isrti ottl thle ma ch ine Xl hi teI ...
Page 34: ...tents of accessory box 40 I5 399 Hulloohole krtiee seam ripper 41 II 399 At tachment s re 40 I5 420 Edge gwJde 14 10 7 1 41 12 699 I arge scre dl or i41 I 1 732 Button reed 41 J 1 2 t 97 Small Ncrewdlriver ...
Page 35: ...r 3 16 5 ram straight 2 mm and z ig 7ag stitching 7 41 Ii 386 Jointed hemmer for scalloping 1 8 3 41 13901 Roller presser foot is suitable for thick I in in zig zag anid hard tension Suitable for soft knitted fabrics and certain jersey and stretch fabrics iii te ri l1 for example imiIa tion leatlher anld plastic 3 34 ...
Page 36: ...ith or w ithout cord twceen the layers of the material i r 4093 005 Presser loot for attaching braiding which 4093019 Presser foot for gathering Gather the is inserted dihrough a 2uidt and attached with a maaterial as you sew the harder threald tension the straight stitch in the nmiddic of the braiding more the gathering I 35 ...
Page 37: ...erent I Illalling 412 6285 01 No 80 41 12 685 012 No 91 41 12I 685 03 No I005lt S ted tcedlc sor pa pie sith 41 12 hi W t nedle produces at hem stitch ef ccei i mpai l red viJsi It he needlct le c xc is su pplD i ed w ith1 a a nih e used for iig ia g a rid p att ern I st itchinlg 1III slot When threading pass the Ihread alonlg thle needtle utl thet Ith read g lides Into theC slot I ...
Page 38: ...3 Throat plate for eyelets 9 64 needle hole for straight sttich especially in thin fabrics 40 I5432 Throat plate for eyelets mg vey oos orthn fbris 40 0 56 resser f oot with roti d needle V16 5 mm hoe secal for straight stitching 40 I5433 Throat plate for eyelets dann embroidering etc 7 32 6 mm 409 2 rme with 4 10 cm dia 40 15 398 4eter or dar37g ae embroidery F ramle with 2 32 Prese foo for sewn ...
Page 39: ...1 621 02 Twin needle No 90 with 5 32 4 mm Iplastic plastic coated fabrics and imitation leather needle distance to minimize the risk of these materials adhering the For parallel and raised seams presser foot or other friction sutrfaces you can also I NOTE Maximum stitch width setting for zig zag use silicon spray 41 12 405 I and pattern stitching 2 5 1 5 and 0 respectively 41 t4243 tide plate Zipp...
Page 40: ...h or every 12th stitch 24 mm 40 15813 Attachment for circular sewing Stretch 41 13 458011 t 3 16 30 mm 4113 4581 2 1 25 32 Ithe fabric over an embroidery hoop place a thumb 45 mm Weaver s reed for rug sewing Wind the tack in the middle as a pivot and attach the guide yarn over the reed and sew on with straight stitch ove r the pivot thumbtalck Special presser foot for rug sewing 41 11 394 I 39 ...
Page 41: ...I I I I I I I I I I I I Husqvarna I 41 14 25 6A I ...