• Whenever the bed is moved over any
significant distance, it must be put into
transport mode, otherwise the load cells
may be damaged. To put into transport
mode, turn the screws on the four corners
of the bed base in a clockwise direction
until fully down and finger-tight. It is not
necessary to put the bed into transport
mode for moving short distances round a
• When the bed is stationary and weighing is
to be re-commenced, turn the screws in an
anti-clockwise direction until fully up and
finger-tight, and switch the mains power on.
The system can then be set to zero, and
weighing can be recommenced.
• The bed must be installed on a flat, level
floor for weighing.
Position of Patient for Weighing
• The bed can be in any position for
weighing. However, it must be free-
standing – i.e. not touching any walls,
lockers, curtains etc.
• The bed does not have to be in the same
position for every weight reading for any
given patient – e.g. the patient can be
weighed in the morning completely flat, and
in the evening in a chair position.
• The patient can be in any position on the
bed for weighing, as long as their whole
body is on top of the mattress – i.e. no
arms, legs etc. dangling over the side. The
patient can therefore be flat on their back,
on their side etc. However, we recommend
that they are positioned as centrally as
possible to ensure maximum accuracy.
• During weighing, there must be no drainage
bags, bottles etc. leading from the patient
and resting on the floor. Any such items
should be either placed on top of the
mattress or be hanging from the side of the
bed frame.
The weighing system on Contoura
980B is
accurate to ± 200 g.
980B will weigh up to a maximum
of 250 kg (39 stones / 550 lbs.). The display
shows kg only.
The weighing system on Contoura
1080 is
accurate to ± 500 g.
1080 will weigh up to 500 kg
(78 stones / 1100 lbs.). The display shows kg
980B & 1080