Hubbell Microprocessor Radio Locomotive Control 31200 Brochure & Specs Download Page 1





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Hubbell 72 & 450 MHz Remote Control System for Locomotive Applications

The Hubbell Intelligent Radio Loco-
motive Systems features a micro-
computer with status
display and built-in di-
agnostics along with
our high speed, digi-
tal, biphase modula-
tion to provide reli-
able, efficient and
economical operation
of diesel-electric loco-
motives from a por-
table transmitter.

By operating the
transmitter switches, a radio mes-
sage is sent to the locomotive
mounted receiver to control the di-
rection and speed of the locomo-
tive. Additional data bits are avail-
able to perform special auxiliary
functions such as sounding of horn,
application of brakes or control of

Each radio control system operates
on a licensed frequency in the 72–
76 MHz or the 450–470 MHz
bands. The receiver is crystal con-
trolled. A synthesized 72–76 MHz
receiver is also available.


Easy to Maintain

 — Self diagnos-

tics identify problem areas via the
status display.

Fast Response

 — High Speed data

rate offers fast, responsive operation.

Frequency Conservation

 — Up to

four systems can share the same
radio frequency, which also saves
on spare parts requirements.

Cost Reduction

 — Operating crew

is reduced on each shift. Payback
is realized in just a few months.

Better Visibility

 — Remote control

takes the operator out of the cab
providing him with improved visibil-
ity and total control from grade level.

Simple Operation

 — Portable,

lightweight transmitter is easier to
operate than manual controls.

Brochure 31200

November 1996


Receiver Cabinet

Pneumatics Cabinet

Midsize Transmitter

(See Spec 31110)
