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1.11 Take photo/video function
whether can use take photo/ camera function without SD card
The cell phone can use take photo/camera function without SD card
What is the cause that can’t open some pictures/videos files?
1. The cell phone does not support file format
2. The cell phone memory space is not enough
3. The file is damaged
4. Copyright protection file (format is dcf file)
Mobile resource is low, turn off some third-party applications which already opened and
consume the phone’s resources
Rarely mobile application or system unknown error occurred, try to restart the phone
Camera / video file, the default save path and change method
Y320 camera can’t set default save path automatically
it save path and setting >save >default save
location keep the same.
When default save location setting is for the phone, the camera file saving path is file management:
internal storage\DCIM\Camera
When the default storage location is for the SD card
the camera file saving path is file
management: SD card\DCIM\Camera
Photo / video editing files, to add photo frames
Edit photo
browse photo
press menu key, more, select rotate left, rotate right, pruning or editing.
Can’t edit video.
Does not support add photo frames
Whether support HD video play
support HD video play, support 108P HD play, support 360 fps
Whether camera shutter sound can be set to silent
Can’t set to silent