11.4 Getting to Know Web Interface Functions
The functions provided by your TE30 are reorganized on its web interface so you can
conveniently use these functions with a web browser.
The following are the functions unique to the web interface:
Importing and exporting an address book
Importing and exporting settings
Importing a license file
Customizing the shortcut bar and desktop icons
Site map
Conference control page, site list, and site template
Conference controls
Importing a certificate
Backing up settings
Capturing photos
11.4.1 Importing and Exporting an Address Book
From the TE30 web interface, you can export an address book to the local computer or a server.
This facilitates site information editing. You can also import a modified address book to the
TE30 after which the records in the address book are displayed on the address book page.
The exported address book is saved to a file in vCard format. The file name extension is vcf.
For example, you can export the address book of endpoint A, modify the records in the address
book, and then import these records to the address book of endpoint B.
The exported contacts file may contain personal information. Keep the file in a safe location to
prevent personal information disclosure.
Exporting an Address Book
To export an address book:
Step 1
Log in to the web interface of endpoint A. Choose
Address Book
Address Book
Step 2
Export from Local Address Book
Step 3
Save the records to file A.
Modifying Records in the Address Book
After exporting the address book of endpoint A to file A, modify its records as follows:
HUAWEI TE30 Videoconferencing Endpoint
User Guide
11 Web-based Remote Management
Issue 01 (2013-03-27)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.