8.3 Logging In to the iBMC CLI
● A user will be locked out after five consecutive login failures with wrong passwords. The
user is automatically unlocked 5 minutes later, and an administrator can unlock the user
on the CLI.
● For security purposes, change your initial password at your first login and change the
password periodically.
● By default, the CLI timeout interval is 15 minutes.
Logging In over SSH
Secure Shell (SSH) provides secure remote login and other network services on a
non-secure network. A maximum of five users can log in over SSH at the same
SSH supports the AES128-CTR, AES192-CTR, and AES256-CTR encryption algorithms.
When you log in to the iBMC over SSH, select a proper encryption algorithm.
Step 1 Download an SSH communication tool to a local client.
Step 2 Connect the client to the server management network port directly or through a
Step 3 Set the client IP address so that the client can communicate with the server iBMC
management network port.
Step 4 On the client, open the SSH tool and set related parameters, such as the IP
Step 5 Connect to the iBMC and enter the user name and password.
● Local and LDAP users can both log in to the iBMC CLI over SSH.
● To log in to the iBMC, LDAP users do not need to enter information about the domain
server, which is automatically assigned by the system.
Logging In over the Serial Port
Step 1 Set the serial port as the iBMC serial port.
To set the serial port through the iBMC CLI, do as follows:
a. Log in to the iBMC CLI over SSH.
b. Run the following command to change the serial port direction:
ipmcset -d serialdir -v
TaiShan 200 Server
Maintenance and Service Guide (Model 2280)
8 Common Operations
Issue 04 (2020-01-16)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.