User Manual
2 Product Overview
Issue 04 (2018-04-10)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 2-9
LTE+RS485/PLC network diagram
The IP addresses for the SmartLogger, CPE, and monitoring device in the box-type transformer must
be in the same network segment.
The IP address planned for the SmartLogger needs to be imported to the third-party NMS for the
NMS to proactively connect to the SmartLogger.
The IP address planned for the box-type transformer needs to be imported to the third-party NMS for
the NMS to proactively connect to the box-type transformer.
2.5 System Wiring Diagram
Scenario with a Smart Array Controller
Huawei smart array controller, also a communication box, is an outdoor cabinet that controls the
communication of the PV array in a PV plant. The cabinet can house the SmartLogger, ATB, and
POE module.
This document describes the application scenario where the SmartLogger is inside the smart array
controller SmartACU2000B-D-2PID/2PLC.