Operation Manual – MSTP
Quidway S3100 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 1 MSTP Configuration
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
1.2.7 Network Diameter Configuration
In a switched network, any two switches can communicate with each other through a
path, on which there may be some other switches. The network diameter of a network
is measured by the number of switches; it equals the number of the switches on the
longest path (that is, the path contains the maximum number of switches).
I. Configuration procedure
Table 1-9
Configure the network diameter for a network
Enter system view
Configure the
network diameter
for a network
stp bridge-diameter
The default network diameter
of a network is 7.
The network diameter parameter indicates the size of a network. The larger the network
diameter is, the larger the network size is.
After you configure the network diameter of a switched network, A MSTP-enabled
switch adjusts its Hello time, Forward delay, and Max age settings accordingly.
The network diameter setting only applies to CIST; it is invalid for MSTIs.
II. Configuration example
# Configure the network diameter of the switched network to 6.
<Quidway> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[Quidway] stp bridge-diameter 6
1.2.8 MSTP Time-related Configuration
You can configure three MSTP time-related parameters for a switch: Forward delay,
Hello time, and Max age.
The Forward delay parameter sets the delay of state transition.
Link problems occurred in a network results in the spanning trees being regenerated
and original spanning tree structures being changed. As the newly generated
configuration BPDUs cannot be propagated across the entire network immediately
when the new spanning trees are generated, loops may occur if the new root ports and
designated ports begin to forward packets immediately.
This can be avoided by adopting a state transition mechanism. With this mechanism,
newly selected root ports and designated ports undergo an intermediate state before
they begin to forward packets. That is, it costs these ports a period (specified by the