P8 Smartphone FAQs
5 Calls and contacts
Issue 01 (2015/03)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Calls and contacts
5.1 Can I activate the calling function with the screen
turned off by pressing and holding the volume button
when my phone is connected to a Bluetooth headset?
Yes. You can also press and hold the call button on the Bluetooth headset to activate such a
5.2 After I press and hold the volume down button, why
can't I activate the calling function with the screen turned
off after voice input?
The operation may be incorrect. You should press and hold the volume down button and
input voice after a prompt tone is played.
Your voice speed may be too fast. Slow down your voice speed and speak each word
Your voice may be too small to be perceived by the voice recognizer. Speak louder when
you are in a noisy environment.
5.3 Why is the call setup success rate low if I just say
"contact" with the screen turned off?
At present, this function is not supported and it will be improved in later versions.
5.4 Why is the call failed if I speak a contact with some
content in English when the screen is turned off?
At present, this function is not supported and it will be improved in later versions.