P8 Smartphone FAQs
16 Managing apps
Issue 01 (2015/03)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
16.2.18 Why can't I send an SMS or why does my phone display
that the SMS is being sent?
Check whether your phone's SMS center number is correctly set. For details about the
number, contact your service provider.
Check whether your balance of your phone is sufficient.
Check whether your message is blocked by the service provider because it contains
sensitive characters.
Check whether you message is blocked by the carrier because you have sent repeated
contents to the same number.
Install the SIM card in a phone of another brand and send an SMS. If the SMS fails to be
sent, contact your service provider.
Back up the third-party APK and restore the factory settings. Then, try again.
If the issue persists, update the firmware to the latest version.
16.2.19 Why can't my phone receive SMS on time?
Check whether the signal reception is good.
Close some security protection apps and apps that use large data traffic to ensure a
smooth operation environment.
16.2.20 How do I use the voice navigation function?
In the current version, the navigation app can't be enabled using voice input in the driving
mode. You can manually enable the preconfigured navigation software in driving mode.
16.2.21 How do I make calls using the voice assistant?
Enable the voice assistant and speak the contact in your phone, for example, Dad. Currently,
your phone does not support the numeric phone numbers through voice input.
16.2.22 Why can't my phone recognize my voice input?
Make sure the network connection is normal (Wi-Fi connection or data services).
Speak loudly and clearly.
The figures are for your reference only. The actual screens may vary.
16.2.23 Can my phone freely switch over among 4G, 3G, and 2G
It takes 150s to recover data service when you switch from a 4G network to a 2G network, or
from a 3G network to a 2G network.
Then, the data services can resume. The network icon disappears when the network is
switching. Voice calls will not be affected when you switch networks.