P8 Smartphone FAQs
5 Calls and contacts
Issue 01 (2015/03)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
5.5 Why can't I use a Bluetooth headset to activate the
calling function with the screen turned off?
Different headsets have different methods to activate the calling function with the screen
turned off. You may need to press and hold the call button for one type of Bluetooth headsets
while you may need to press the call button for another type of Bluetooth headsets. Choose
the correct method corresponding to the headset you are using. If this problem persists, use
headsets that are produced by famous manufacturers (such as Jabra, Plantronics, and Nokia)
and try again.
5.6 What can I do if the calling function with the screen
turned off doesn't work when my phone is equipped with
a SIM card?
Check whether any contact number is stored in your contact list.
Check whether the voice input is correct.
5.7 Why does my phone automatically make a call even if I
didn't input my voice?
If the calling function with the screen turned off is activated and you are in a noisy
environment, your phone will identify the noise that is loud enough as the voice input.
5.8 How long does it take to press and hold the button to
activate the calling function with the screen turned off?
Normally, you need to press and hold the volume down button on your phone or the call
button on your Bluetooth headset for only one second for your phone to display a voice
5.9 Why can't I make phone calls when my phone receives
3G signals?
Your phone can only make phone calls in GSM networks. (3G networks are unstable.)