Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (8192 blocks): done Writing
and filesystem accounting information: done
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 39 mounts or 180 days,
whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
Step 7
In this example, the following command is used to create a directory (name the directory
according to the actual situation):
mkdir /directoryname
Step 8
In this example, the following command is used to mount the device to the created directory:
mount /dev/sdb1 /directoryname
4.23.3 Solaris
This section introduces the procedure for using a volume on a Solaris AS.
Step 1
Log in to the Solaris AS.
Step 2
Enter the command
# devfsadm -C
Step 3
Enter the command
#cfgadm -a
Step 4
Enter the command
# format
. The following information is displayed.
Searching for disks...done
4.23.4 AIX
This section introduces the procedure for using a volume on an AIX AS.
Step 1
Log in to the AIX AS.
Step 2
Enter the command
# cfgmgr -v
to scan for disks.
Step 3
Enter the command
# lspv
to view discovered disks.
Step 4
Enter the command
# smitty mkvg
to create a volume group.
Step 5
Enter the command
# smitty mkvg
to create a volume group.
Step 6
Enter the command
# mkfs —V jfs2 /dev/lvname
to format the logical volume.
Step 7
Enter the command
# mount —V jfs2 /dev/lvname /mountpoint
to mount the logical volume
to the specified directory.
is the specified directory.
4 Configuring Basic Services
OceanStor VIS6000 Series Virtual Intelligent Storage
Initial Configuration Guide
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 08 (2010-05-10)