HUAWEI ME909u-523 LTE LGA Module
Application Guide
SMS Application Scenarios
Issue 04 (2014-12-08)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMS Application Scenarios
5.1 Overview
Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service using a service center (SC)
to transfer short text messages between MEs and Short Message Entities
A message must contain the following information before it is sent:
For a PDU mode message:
Length of TPDU package
Message content: To compose or send a PDU mode message, the message
must contain all the message attributes and be encoded in PDU format. A PDU
consists of the following:
Service Center Address (SCA): composed of the address length, SCA type
and SCA reverse byte.
First octet: contains the message type indicator, TP-RP, TP-UDHI, TP-SRR,
Short text message statement.
Destination address: consisting of the destination address, address length
and destination address type.
Protocol identifier.
Data encoding scheme.
Validity duration.
Data length.
User data: consisting of the user data header and the data encoded in PDU
Figure 5-1 shows an example of data encoded in PDU format of submitted type.