HUAWEI G525-U00 Smartphone FAQs
6 Others
Issue 01 (2013-6-14)
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
6.30 How do I take a screenshot?
Press the power and volume down keys simultaneously. A screenshot is then saved to
6.31 Does my phone support Face Unlock?
6.32 Can I scan a 2-dimensional barcode with my phone?
Yes, but first you need to download an application that supports this function.
6.33 Does my phone support 3D acceleration?
6.34 Are there any difference between the same model
sold by channel sellers and online stores?
No. The phone specifications are the same. Note that some channel sellers or online stores
may provide fewer accessories at a lower price, which is not under the control of Huawei.
6.35 If I remove the battery, do the date and time on my
phone be synchronized after I re-install the battery? Will
configuring my phone to automatically set the date and
time generate data traffic?
If the battery is removed 20 seconds or more from your phone, the date and time will not be
automatically synchronized.
If your phone obtains the date and time from your service provider's network when it powers
on and registers with the network, it does not synchronize the date and time through your data
connection and does not generate data traffic. If your phone cannot obtain the date and time
from your service provider's network, and
Automatic date & time
is turned on, minor data
traffic will be generated.