Bind the new optical cable in the same way as the existing optical cables. You can also
remove all existing cable ties and bind all optical cables again if necessary.
----End Connecting a USB Device
Step 1
Connect the USB device to a USB port of the server.
Figure 7-21
Connecting a USB device
----End Connecting a Serial Cable
The rear panel of the server provides a standard RJ45 serial port (3-wire), which works as the
system serial port by default. You can set it as the iBMC serial port by using the iBMC CLI.
The serial port can be used as:
System serial port to monitor the OS status
iBMC serial port for debugging and fault locating
Step 1
Connect the serial cable.
FusionServer Pro 2288H V5 Server
User Guide
7 Installation and Configuration
Issue 08 (2019-10-30)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.