Huawei Ascend P2-6011 Smartphone FAQ
2 Common Settings
Issue 01 (2013-04-20)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
: Never disconnect a Wi-Fi connection.
Only when plugged in
: Never disconnect a Wi-Fi connection when the mobile phone is being charged.
If your phone is not charged, the Wi-Fi connection automatically disconnects 3 minutes after the screen
times out.
Never (increase data usage)
: Disconnect the Wi-Fi connection 3 minutes after the screen times out.
2.3 How Do I Use My Phone as a Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot
and Access the Internet from Another Device Using My
Phone's Data Connection?
You can use your phone as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot and share your phone's mobile data
connection with another device, allowing you to access the Internet from it.
Tethering & portable hotspot
Portable Wi-Fi hotspot