Function Keys Features
1. Click Function keys → Line Key.
2. Select the desired Line Key and select DTMF in the Type.
3. Fill the value with the Desired DTMF number.
4. Click the
button to save the configuration.
If the key is configured as Prefix key, you can set the number prefix (e.g. Before the
number plus 9), then you don't input 9, press the key and 9 will display on the LCD
To configure the Prefix via Phone interface
1. Press Menu →Features →Function Keys →Line Keys as Function Keys → Line
Key2(for example)
2. Press and key to select the Prefix in the Type field.
3. Enter the value with number that you want to set as prefix
4. Press or Save soft key to save the configuration
To configure the Prefix via Web interface
1. Click Function keys → Line Key.
2. Select the desired Line Key and select Prefix in the Type.
3. Fill the value.