HSS Hire 941 Operating & Safety Manual Download Page 1

Metal Cut

Mitre Saw

Hire Shops

A metal cutting mitre saw, utilising

TCT blade technology.

Operating & Safety Guide 941

Lock the clamp release and tighten the clamp by
turning the clamp handle clockwise until the
material is firmly held. 
Do not attempt to cut material unless it is firmly
held and note that this machine is only suitable for
cutting material of 2mm thickness and above.

Push the power head down lightly without
depressing the power switch, hold the handgrip
and depress the arm release lever with your
thumb. Pull down the handle to allow the saw
guard to move revealing the blade.
You may now check that the blade and the
material to be cut line up correctly and make any
adjustments as necessary. Now return the power
head to the raised position.
Plug the machine into a suitable power supply and
switch ON. Squeeze the trigger and wait until the
blade is running at full speed. NEVER start the
machine with the blade in contact with the
Depress the release lever, then lower the blade and
cut through the work-piece.
Once the cut is completed release the trigger and
wait for the blade to stop before you raise the
blade from the material.
Never partially cut through material, always make
a complete cut.
Keep hands away from the cutting area, and
maintain a steady balance, keep feet firmly on 
the floor.

To stop the machine, release the trigger and wait for the
blade to stop before raising the blade from the work piece.

Never attempt to raise the blade clear of the cut
when still moving, or stop the machine in mid-cut. 
Always clear the work area of off cuts and other
debris between each cut.
The HSS metal cut mitre saw is supplied fitted with
a tungsten tipped blade specially designed for this
type of work. If the blade blunts or becomes
damaged, DO NOT attempt to remove it from the
machine. Contact your local HSS Hire Shop for a
replacement machine.

Never push the equipment beyond its design

If it will not do what you want with reasonable

ease and speed, assume you have the wrong tool for the
job. Contact your local HSS Hire Shop for advice.

Keep the equipment clean

– you will find this less of a

chore if you clean it regularly, rather than wait until the
end of the hire period. 

Periodically empty the swarf collection tray


at the rear of the unit. To empty the tray, switch the unit



OFF and unplu it from its power supply then lift and pull
the tray by its handle and fully remove it. Empty the swarf
from the tray ensuring you avoid contact with its
contents. Finally, refit the tray.
When not in use

, store the equipment somewhere

clean, dry and safe 

from thieves.

Switch OFF and unplug the saw from the power
supply, then remove the material from the clamp.
Depress the lever on the handle assembly, pull
down on the handle and reattach the transit chain.
Neatly coil the cable and give the unit a final clean
ready for return 

to your local HSS Hire Shop.


Code 03461

©HSS Hire Service Group Plc 2000 No. 941/01

Group Office: 25 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4TS

Web Site: http://www.hss.co.uk

Contact your local

0845 728 2828

…any comments?

If you have any suggestions to enable us to improve

the information within this guide please fax your

comments or write to the Product Manager at the

address below  

Fax: 020 8687 5001

