Lift & Shift
A purpose built lift for raising
plasterboard panels into position
prior to fixing.
Operating & Safety Guide LS19
During use it is important that the operator
remains behind the winch assembly and the back
stop break leg is in contact with the floor.
The back
stop will allow the unit to move away from the operator
but not backward toward him/her.
The lifter can be loaded in two ways, either with the
cradle flat or tilted.
To tilt the cradle lift the tilt lock up, then tilt the
(approx 45 degs). Once loaded return the cradle
to horizontal and re-lock.
To raise the panel
turn the winch clockwise
carefully manoeuvring the lifter until the panel is in the
correct position. You can then fix the panel in place.
To lower the cradle hold the winch to stop it rotating
raise the winch lock lever and turn the winch
anti-clockwise until the cradle is fully lowered.
If the panel is to be attached to a sloping ceiling,
the cradle can be set/left in the tilted position as
previously described.
Never push the equipment beyond its design
If it will not safely do what you want with
reasonable ease and speed, assume you have the wrong
equipment for the job. Contact your local HSS Lift & shift
Depot for advice.
Keep the equipment clean,
you will find this less of a
chore if you clean it regularly, rather than wait until the
end of the hire period.
When not in use
, store the equipment somewhere
clean, dry and safe
from thieves.
dismantle the lift, lock the cradle in the
horizontal position, reinsert the end supports and
remove the cross supports,
remembering to press in
the spring loaded retainers.
The cradle can now be lifted clear.
rotate the winch one full rotation
the slide bar with your left hand whilst turning the
slide bar lock anti-clockwise.
push down on the top of the telescopic
section allowing the winch assembly to move
forward. Hold the assembly in position and swing
the transport hook over the telescopic section to
lock it in position.
All that remains is to
turn the
winch clockwise as far as it will go.
Lift the frame off of the tripod base
the tripod base assembly.
Press in the lock pin and
swing the outer legs in until the lock pin re-engages to
hold the assembly closed.
Collect all the units parts together ready for return
to your local HSS Lift & Shift Depot.
Code 69940
©HSS Hire Service Group Plc 1998 No. LS19/01
Group Office: 25 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4TS
Web Site: http://www.hss.co.uk
Contact your local
0345 045116
Lift & Shift
…any comments?
If you have any suggestions to enable us to improve
the information within this guide please fax your
comments or write to the Product Manager at the
address below
Fax: 0181-687 5001
Tilt Lock
Tilting the Cradle