HSS Hire 69313 Operating & Safety Manual Download Page 1



Cover Lifter

A hydraulically operated lifter with a

breakout of 1500kg

Code 69313

Operating & Safety Guide LS178


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0845 704 5116

Lift & Shift

©HSS Hire Service Group Plc 2003 No. LS178/01 

Group Office: 25 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4TS 

Web Site: http://www.hss.com/liftandshift

...any comments? 

If you have any suggestions to enable us to improve

the information within this guide please fax your 

comments or write to the Product Manager at the

address below 

Fax: 020 8687 5001


Ensure the ram’s pressure release valve is closed 

(turn fully


The force exerted by the hydraulic ram 

(up to a maximum

of 1,500kg)

creates a potentially dangerous situation, 


make sure that any seal has been broken before lifting.

If great force is used, the assembly and manhole cover
will spring up.
NEVER place yourself in a position where you could be hit
by the equipment or cover as the cover lifts.
Using the pump handle, gradually pump the ram until
the manhole cover lifts. 
Take your time and don’t overdo it.

You are more likely to

have an accident if you are tired or rushing.

Once raised, manoeuvre the unit away from the manhole
and lower the ram, 

by turning the pressure release valve 1 turn


When replacing the cover, simply reverse the removal


Never push the equipment beyond its design limits.

If it will not do what you want with reasonable ease and
speed, assume you have the wrong tool for the job.
Contact your local HSS Lift & Shift Depot for advice.

Keep the equipment clean,

you will find this less of a

chore if you clean it regularly, rather than wait until the end
of the hire period.
When not in use

, store the equipment somewhere

clean, dry and safe 

from thieves and unauthorised users.

Replace the manhole cover and disconnect all keys
and clamp frames.
Dismantle the unit and give everything a thorough
clean ready for return 

to your local HSS Lift and Shift.
