HSI 4939FBOX Assembly Instructions Download Page 1

Garden Pixie


Set shell on base in firm level

Attach tubing to pump

Place pump (with intake
facedown or sideways) into
shell housing.

Pass pump power cord out 
groove at back of shell.

Loop tubing (to prevent kinks)
and attach to bottom of figure.

Set figure on shell.

Apply three dabs of silicone
sealant to bottom of figure to
firmly attach it to the shell.

Fill shell with water.

Plug pump into 110V (A.C.
only) GFCI protected

Fountain Care:

Extreme and rapid changes in temperature and humidity affect all concrete adversely.  Concrete has an inher-
ent tendency to expand and contract with climactic conditions (a phenomenon taken into account by experi-
enced masons who employ expansion joints - like those "lines" in the sidewalk).

Your HSI cast stone products has been manufactured with weather in mind.  The concrete mix contains

additives which enhance the elastic qualities of the concrete.  Occasionally, normal, unharmful surface shrink-
age cracks may sometimes appear - but your HSI cast stone products will not crack due to weather if these
simple rules are followed:

1. Do not allow water to collect and freeze in fountain bowls or shells!
2. Do not allow water to collect and freeze in planters, saucers or birdbaths!
3. Do not allow statuary or pedestals to sit in a pool of ice!

Cast stone products left exposed to icing conditions may shale or crack due to the mechanical force of

water solidifying and expanding along the concrete surface.
Important:  If your HSI fountain, birdbath, planter or statuary cannot be stored indoors during the winter sea-
son, you must at least protect it from ice collection or exposure.

"How-To" protect your HSI cast stone products during the winter season

:  For fountains, first

remove the statue and pump, storing them inside if possible.  Next, fill the bowl(s) or shell (s) with an
absorbent material such as LU85 Underlay, burlap bags, blankets, etc. Then, cover the entire fountain with a
FC22S Fountain Cover.  Should condensation droplets form on the inside of the cover, they will be absorbed
by the material.

For birdbaths, planters or statuary set the pieces on high ground where a pool of ice will not form, and

then cover with a FC22S Fountain Cover.

By following these simple and sensible precautions during the winter season, you will protect your HSI

cast stone products for years of beauty and enjoyment!

General Maintenance:

Little or nothing needs to be done to protect the finish of natural concrete fountains and statuary.  Many peo-
ple find the inevitable aging and weathering of natural stone to be appealing.  But this natural weathering may
be impeded, if you wish, by the application of a clear concrete sealer, available from any hardware store.

HSI finished fountains and statuary have  been painted with penetrating-sealer type paints, designed to

resist the elements for many years.  The fountains clear luster may, however, be revived seasonally with a
light coat of CS22 Sealer Spray.

Should you choose to refinish your fountain after a number of years - whether in the original or a new

color - your HSI dealer can provide you with an RK10 Refinishing Kit, complete with all materials and

To camouflage minor dings, nicks, and scratches, use just a dab of almost any sort of paint.  For finishes

that employ a black antique effect, use black paint; for lighter antiques, use white.  Simply dab the paint onto
the scratch, and wipe off the excess.  The textured finishes of HSI concrete products "accept" paint easily, and
your touchup will blend in invisibly.

Finally, depending upon temperature and evaporation, you may notice a buildup of white residue on the

surface of the bowl or shell.  Such a buildup is normal and unavoidable in areas with a high mineral content -
especially lime - in the local water supply.  More frequent rinsing of the fountain and changing of the water
will help to minimize the problem.

When the lime buildup finally becomes unsightly, it may be safely and easily removed by using LR22

Fountain Cleaner And Lime Remover, available from you local HSI dealer.  This product is not a water addi-
tive, but a surface cleaner specifically designed to foam away lime residue without affecting the fountain sur-
face.  Be sure to follow all directions for cleaning specified on the bottle.

To keep fountain water clear from unsightly sludge, algae and cloudiness simply use CL22 Water

Clarifier.  CL22 Water Clarifier can also be used to help prevent fountain water from becoming dirty, and it
will also improve filter efficiency in your HSI submersible pump.

#4939A Pixie


#7735 Base

#4939B Shell



Slide adjuster on side
of pump to control
water flow.
