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Huddle Hub User Guide
2 Understanding Huddle Hub
2.1 Rooms, Sessions and Roles
Rooms and Sessions
For our purposes, a session is the sitting together of a group of people, with the intent of either making
or assisting to a presentation, or to perform a video-conference.
A session happens in a room, which usually corresponds to a physical place where the participants
meet. However, HHO extends the concept of room to the group of participants that join the same
session, wherever they are.
For our purpose, we distinguish two kind of rooms:
The room where the HHO unit is plugged to peripherals (TV and webcam), which we simply call room,
or alternatively main room / primary room when we have to distinguish it from the Smart Rooms.
The Smart Rooms, (HHO MRE and HHO+ MRE only, up to 6 Smart Rooms per unit), each one able to
host one fully independent session, to host sessions everywhere in your organization you can reach
your HHO unit through the LAN.
Each room is identified by a name, that can be set to match a specific place (e.g. "Main meeting room",
"1st floor huddle room" etc.) or a group of users it's reserved for (e.g. "Marketing dept.", "IT Demo", etc.) or
any other criteria that meets your needs.
A session starts when the first participant connects to a room, and ends when the last participant closes
his connection.
The following example portraits the situation of a company that has two HHO MRE units, each one with
four enabled rooms:
HHO Ground Floor
Huddle room 1
Huddle room 2
Admin & Finance
HHO First Floor
Board room
CEO's smart room
Sales department
Production department