CLI commands
To run CLI commands, the Admin, Modify, or Submit role is required for Automation Director and
Administrator permission is required for the OS.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise XP7 Command View Advanced
Edition CLI commands
For Windows-based OS servers, navigate to
<system-drive>\Program Files\CVXPAE
. For Linux OS servers, navigate to:
. Open
the command prompt to run XP7 Command View Advanced Edition Common Component commands.
For more information about the XP7 Command View Advanced Edition Common Component CLI
commands, command syntax and description, see the
HPE XP7 Command View Advanced Edition
Administrator Guide
In addition to the CLI commands described in the Hewlett Packard Enterprise XP7 Command View
Advanced Edition documentation, Automation Director makes use of the following special CLI commands
for its mutual authentication capabilities.
hcmds64chgtsid command
The hcmds64chgtsid command performs the following functions:
• Changes the name of the server ID from the default, (or previously changed) host name, to some
other specified name. This is useful for specifying the Common Component server ID requested by the
authentication destination when using mutual authentication.
• Displays the current server ID.
Syntax: (UNIX OS)
hcmds64chgtsid {-name
Server ID
| -print}
Syntax: (Windows-based OS)
hcmds64chgtsid {/name
Server ID
| /print}
Specifies the server ID to change. Number of characters must be 255 or
Displays the current server ID.
Return codes
The following table lists the
command return codes and descriptions.
CLI commands