JRE installation directory path
export PATH
In a C Shell, issue the following command:
setenv PATH ${PATH}:[
JRE installation directory path
Changing Java Security Settings
If you use a Remote Web Console computer in which Java 7 Update 55 or later is installed, or the one in
which Java 8 Update 5 or later is installed, the execution of an application might be blocked when you try
to open the Remote Web Console secondary window. In this case, you need to change Java security
settings according to the procedure below.
Check the version and update information of Java installed in your Remote Web Console computer.
Click Start > Control Panel > Java.
On the General tab, click About.
Check the version and update information of Java, and then close the About Java dialog box. If your
PC uses either Java 7 update 55 or later, or Java 8 Update 5 or later, you need to change Java
security settings referring to Step 4 and after.
Select the Security tab.
Click Edit Site List.
In the Exception Site List dialog box, specify either of the following URLs, and then click Add.
http://IP-address-of-SVP https://IP-address-of-SVP
Click OK.
Select the Advanced tab.
Select Do not check (not recommended) of Perform signed code certificate revocation checks on,
and then click OK.
Close the Control Panel dialog box.
Using the SMI-S function with a Remote Web Console user
VSP storage systems support the SMI-S function developed by SNIA. Storage administrators can use the
SMI-S function by using SMI-S compliant management software.
Information and details about SMI-S are located at
Using the SMI-S function
To use the SMI-S function, create a Storage navigator user account and specify a storage system as the
access destination from the management software.
Setting up Remote Web Console